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Founder Story: Q&A with Sara and Kyra

Founder Story: Q&A with Sara and Kyra


Q&A with Sara and Kyra 

Its no secret that TRASHY GOODS is the happy little company it is because of founders Sara Westbrook and Kyra Padulo. When TGs fearless leaders are not working on how to do sustainable design better, you can find them brainstorming, sipping tequila, and gathering around Smart Susan for a tapas extravaganza. (Though not necessarily in that order.) We sat down with Sara and Kyra to chat about superpowers, the whyof their company and customers, and how vinegar can do all the things. 

What was the ahamoment that made you realize TG was an idea that could work? 

SW: I would say it was less an ahamoment and more like a loooong track event. At each hurdle we faced, the universe seemed to provide a solution that was within reach. It felt like we were meant to keep moving forward 

KLP:and we will continue to do so until it stops making senseor we stop laughing. 

What would you say is your business partners superpower?   

SW: Kyra really has too many to name, but can we all take a moment of silence for her genius Excel/real math skills, and her ability in deciphering "Sara speak? Plus, she makes the best gluten-free snacks this side of the Mississippi.   

KLP: I cant tell you how much I admire Sara's ability to never let something knock her down. After a rough workday, she might walk away mumbling, but then the next morning shell announce after an exercise class: "I know how to make this work!And she is funny as all get out.

How is TRASHY GOODS different from other companies? Whats the secret sauce?   

SW: The biggest difference is a strong commitment to our three key pillars: recycled and upcycled materials, beautiful, multi-functional products, and a focus on the materials second act to show off their unique, one-of-a-kind qualities.    

KLP: I think the secret sauce is that our products are equal brains and beauty. We take pride in not being just a cookie cutter brand. Not only do we celebrate the inherent individuality of materials, but were committed to repurposing as much waste as we possibly can. 

Whats your favorite way to use Smart Susan? 

SW: Sophies Choice I am torn! I love entertaining with lots of dips and sauces, but Susan is also a fabulous centerpiece for fresh flower arrangements.   

KLP: Sushi! Thats my familys go-to for get-togethers. I love watching everyone spin her, deciding what roll to pick next. Life (and dinner) is so much more fun when shared with others! 

If you could go back in time and give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be? 

SW: Trust in yourself more.You are smarter than you think. 

KLP: Ditto. Trust my instincts; they are rarely wrong. 

Whats your favorite eco-friendly hack at home that you swear by? 

SW: Hot water, vinegar, and baking soda removes all stains and clogs. 

KLP: Apple cider vinegar to heal my pups wounds. 

Whats the most surprising thing youve learned about your customers and your business? 

SW: How hard it is to find partners who really understand working with recycled and upcycled materials. And a funny surprise? How people love color but when it comes time to buy, they always go neutral. 

KLP: I second Sara! And not so much surprising, but validating, is that everyone loves to tell the "where it came from story"...and to feel a part of something bigger than themselves.    

What impact do you hope TG products will have? 

SW:I hope our products become conversation starters about how recycling and upcycling can become the foundation for beautiful and innovative products. And hopefully that leads to supporting businesses that are trying to make it work. Last but not least: that our pieces will make people smile! 

KLP:I hope our products make customers aware of the benefit of repurposing trash rather than relying on virgin material. The idea of stopping the consumption cycle is at the heart of what we do, and if we can do that AND create an heirloom piece that people will adore? No better feeling in the world. 

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